Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Your Victory Garden

I've gotten an early start on the garden this year due to the unseasonably mild march we are having. A few days ago I noticed a few things sprouting up so I knew the ground was thawed and it was time to turn some soil over and plant some cool weather stuff. I had half packets of spinach and radishes so those went in today. On thursday I'm planning to pick up some more cool weather seeds from the Urban Harvest people if they are back at the Dufferin Grove Farmer's Market. This early spring works out well for me as I'm going to be away from April 1st until the 22nd. Thats the normal time for getting spring planting done. Hopefully some of the stuff I put in will survive until I get back. That might be a tough challenge for many of the little sprouting seedlings as there will be no one here to combat the massive slug offensive.

Things look pretty dead out there from the back steps.

But upon closer inspection there is indeed life out there.

This is the thing I was most surprised by. Due to our fairly mild winter it looks like two or three spinach plants that I planted last fall have survived and are showing signs of new growth.

The sorrel is also getting an early start.

The rhubarb is peaking through the soil to see what's going on.

Tulips and stone crop.


Carolinian said...

Wes, is that the saskatoon still in the back corner?
WOW! I am so pleased. As to slugs, have you considered leaving out slug traps, I mean like a beer bottle with some beer still in it mostly on it's side, at an angle? Yeah, it looks like bikers had a party in your yard, but it works. And a lot of sand as top dressing discourages slugs..they don't like the sharp edges on their soft little bodies.

Anonymous said...

Wes! I am jealous of your abundant toronto backyard! I'm also getting into the swing of things b/c of this great weather, but i've got to settle for containers this year. still exciting though. yay spring!

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!