Saturday, January 28, 2006


Tim Horton's has been going downhill for the last few years in several areas.  Firstly, their blue berry fritters used to be my doughnut of choice up until about two years ago when then, for no apparent reason, completely switched things up.  They still had a blueberry fritter but it was no longer the odd shaped ball of blueberry studded dough with a shot of blueberry filling in the middle.  The new look fritter wasn't a fritter at all.  What they now have is more like a dutchie with blueberries instead of raisins.  The apple fritter soon followed suit to this new look doughnut.  Why the change Tims?
My other primary beef with the Horton's has been the constant and gradual reduction in size of their muffins over the years.  The current offered muffin is a shadow of its former self in the size category.  Now, I've heard something about how when Tims opened in the States, they had to reduce the size of their muffins in order to reduce the fat content of them so they could meet some FDA rule about fat content in muffins.  I really don't know what this is all about but needless to say they sure don't make 'em like they used to.  Now Coffee Time, there's a big muffin for ya.  But you have to watch out that they're not too stale as CT isn't quite up to Tim's freshness standards.
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